Nut Milk Bags cost savings
Did you know packaged Almond Milk typically costs between $8 - $9 per litre?
Save $$$ making your own Almond Milk @ home
- 1 cup dry almonds = 160g
- 1 cup dry almonds when soaked swells to become 1 ½ cups
- Using a ratio of 1 part soaked almonds : 3 parts water (* you can use more or less depending on how creamy you like it)
- 1 cup dry almonds makes 1.2L almond milk
So, the cost per litre to make your own Almond Milk is ...
$/kg paid for almonds $10/kg $15/kg $20/kg $25/kg $30/kg
cost/L almond milk $1.33 $1.99 $2.67 $3.33 $3.99
made at home *
** Plus you benefit from fresh, raw almond milk with NO preservatives, artificial sweeteners or additives
Compare what you currently pay for packaged Almond Milk & add up the savings you will make ...
Invest in your health. Get your Living Synergy Nut Milk Bag today!
click here to download the cost savings flyer